Bar Driftwood -- Bar Harbor, Maine, 2003
From: Dreama
(Sat Sep 17 15:47:12 2011)
What a joy to find soeomne else who thinks this way.
From: Monkey
(Sat Nov 17 10:16:15 2012)
It's spooky how celver some ppl are. Thanks!
From: Isnur
(Wed Mar 11 08:46:18 2015)
Hi dear,Jet-lagged already? do not think you can read in Hebrew in Australia so I'm lucky to write English. Have fun. nice idea this thing but why is this acutally a Fleisher website if its orit nagars website? am tired have to go to bed soon but have so many things to do. Anyways wishing you already shabbat shalom and tons of fun. kisses Michal